My direct mail postcard (see image below) message to the Governor and Mayor:

The Hawaiian ruling class has been yapping about taking action on over-tourism and the need for diversification for years. No meaningful progress! Victorino’s recent Star-Advertiser article (tourist pause), the costly Maui COVID-19 arrival second test, the tourists’ frustrations with the Safe Travels website, would suggest the aloha welcome mat is several miles offshore. Tourists will flock to Hawaii unless we make them feel unwelcome. YIKES! It’s very clear what happens when there are NO tourists, so let’s provide an amazing informative aloha welcome.

Don’t Lose Our Valuable ALOHA SPIRIT!

Try a New Idea! How about a simple, affordable, and common-sense approach to educate the tourists to provide the best experience for them and our ohana. Let’s greet visitors at the airport and at their accommodations with a BIG ALOHA and hand them a brochure about Hawaiian culture, the meaning of our frequently used words, what the SHAKA gesture means, etc. Share examples of our aloha spirit, like we happily pause our cars to let pedestrians cross – different from the yelling, distinctive hand gestures and prolonged honking as experienced on the mainland. Have the brochure explain what most upsets our ohana. Review some island customs (shoes off). Share with them the environmental, scenic travel and parking concerns, the dangers of hiking with flash floods, and the all-important ocean water safety tips to save lives. Add some interesting local tidbits, like why does Safeway have a floor-to-ceiling endcap of SPAM.

There are dozens of countries that don’t really care for Americans from Iraq to Italy.
Why American Tourists Aren’t the Most Liked

The reasons vary greatly from how Americans present themselves with their braggadocious attitude, to the suspicion of being an American snooping spy. Italy, for example, reflects on the Italian caricatures that appear in American-made movies – like the Godfather Trilogy, and how Americans equate those attitudes, gestures and traits with the Italian culture. What the people of Scotland find most annoying is when Americans are overly loud and attempt to carrying on impersonations with Scottish accent.
American tourists can come off as insensitive, flashing affluence, craving entertainment with instant gratification – as if the country they are visiting is their own personal vacation theme park. In the overall picture, the “I hate tourists” exasperation comes down to Americans’ lack of consideration and respect for a country’s culture, as well as its local ways and proud heritage. For the best travel experience tourists should educate themselves on the lifestyle of the countries they are visiting. Each is unique and expects respect and understanding of their ways. Even if you believe American ways are better, embrace the difference – it’s best not to compare. Just enjoy the uniqueness and opportunity to learn.

What each has in common

These countries all have their various reasons why they dislike American tourists but, like Hawaii, they all have one thing in common – they want, and many must have, those Americans’ tourist dollars so they tolerate what they might find offensive or bothersome.