Faxed a letter to the Governor after his recent Safe Travels comments:
“They know (the airlines) what are requirements are and are fully informing the travelers so I believe there’s absolutely no confusion and no possibility for chaos, because … it’s the same rules, and we are proceeding on that basis.” – Gov. Ige

My letter to the Governor (he did make a courteous reply via email):

Governor — Clearly YOU are out of touch with reality with your Safe Travels program. I’ve have had several friends visit Maui during Safe Travels who have had multiply issues – at significant financial expense – with your Safe Travels website and rules. Yes, MAYBE your requirements seem clear to Governor Ige and your staff, BUT to the average folks, execution of Safe Travels is stressful, often confusing, even for the most seasoned traveler. Safe Travels has had arrival screw-ups and website errors which you seem to ignore and do not acknowledge. These screw-ups quickly become chaotic, expensive and aggravating for both returning residence and those valued and excited tourists, who have saved significantly money to get to their Hawaii dream vacation.

What frustrates me Governor Ige is that your comments and attitude clearly show you are living in your bubble of privilege and mostly clueless of real life living. You’re ongoing actions show that you have no or little awareness concerning what the regular folks and small business owners have to face daily with all your COVID “emergency” mandates. Maybe instead of staffing out your coffee … you should start your day in line at a local Mom and Pop coffee shop and listen to the conversations with the regular folks as they discuss their current concerns and life events.

Governor, I know as an individual you are probably a good person and we all can agree that you have taken some good pandemic actions to protect us and we all thank you. But you have also screwed up many times with some unreasonable and questionable thinking that has hurt many businesses and people.

Thank you for reading. Hoping for an email reply.